
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Top 5 ways to Detox your body

Top 5 ways to Detox your body

Skin experts sometimes tell their clients that they should let their skin breath. If you want to get rid of the accumulated toxins, you should detoxify your body once in a while, so that you can have a healthier well being as well as glowing skin. You don’t have to pay for expensive treatments just to detoxify. Here are some effective ways to detox your body without making a hole into your wallets. 
  • Detox with water – we all know water has many benefits, it not just helps make your skin radiant, but water also helps clean out your system. Drinking lots of water, atleast 8 glasses a day, can really be helpful to flush out toxins from your body.
  • Eat foods which are rich in fiber – vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, chlorella and artichokes are just some of the best foods that are high in fiber. Aside from the detoxifying benefits of these vegetables, it could also help you be in shape and avoid reduce the risk of cancer.
  • Do activities that can make you sweat – exercise has a lot of benefits including natural detoxification. When you sweat through activities like jogging or brisk walking, you are also taking out all those unnecessary toxins that have been accumulated over the year. If you do not want to gym, although we highly recommend you do make it a part of your daily routine, you can just do some floor exercises at home. Also visiting a sauna during weekends, is a good way to sweat while you rest at the same time.
  • Breath deeply – do you know that breathing deeply is also one way to detoxify? If you could take time breathing correctly and keep your mind calm, you are also allowing more room for oxygen to circulate through your body. Try it for 15 minutes a day, it works!
  • Stretch – yoga, tai chi and other activities that allow you to stretch can also help you detox.
Bonus Tip: Fasting once in a month is a great idea, more so if your 35 plus. Plan out a day for fasting, drink lots of water and consume plenty of fruits. This is one of the best ways to detox your body.
Mentioned above are some tips to get rid of the toxins and detoxify your body naturally. Most detox products are useless, do consult your physician before using them. Maintaining a healthy diet, having food on time, getting enough rest, exercising for a few minutes everyday and avoiding too much of stress can all go a long way in achieving, what most of us these days neglect, good health.
Start now before its too late.

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