
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Top 5 Fat Loss Tips

Top 5 Fat Loss Tips

Top 5 Fat Loss Tips

 Top 5 Fat Loss Tips

Almost everyone out there wants to be fit and sexy, and most want to lose weight.  Actually no one really wants to lose weight.  What people really want is to lose fat.  But just how do you go about losing fat?  Is there some top secret method that can just melt the fat away?  Unfortunately, there isn’t.  There are, however, several things that you can do to increase your fat loss and speed it along.
Here are our Top 5 Fat Loss Tips 
1. Drink lots of water.  You should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day minimum and really try for a gallon.  The water will keep you hydrated, decrease that hunger feeling, help your body eliminate fat and the toxins from the burning of fat.
2. Change your carb intake.  There is no need for you to eliminate carbs from your diet but you do need to make some significant changes.  The bread, the pasta and anything made from flour has to go.  Replace them with fruits and vegetables.  Your best choice would be dark green leafy vegetables.  They will lower your overall carb intake and provide your body with the vitamins and minerals that it needs during this stressful period.
3. Change your exercise routine.  There has always been an argument as to which type of exercise is better for burning fat, aerobic or weight training.  Stop arguing over it because the best way is to include both of them in your daily routine.  They will increase your metabolism and burn more fat if you do them in conjunction with each other.  Give yourself the benefits of both.
4. Eat protein and fiber in every meal.  Protein and fiber will make you feel full sooner so that you eat less.  Both also have a positive effect on your body, raising your metabolism, and increasing your caloric expenditure throughout the entire day.
5. Substitute green tea for your coffee.  Coffee isn’t bad for you, but the cream and sugar that most people put into it can destroy a diet.  Avoid that by just eliminating it altogether.  Green tea has the added benefit in that it contains substances that have been shown to increase your body’s ability to burn its own fat and to boost your immune system.
Bonus Tip 1:  Ditch alcohol.  Alcohol contributes an absolutely nutritionally deficient 7 calories per gram.  Alcohol has also been shown to make it easier for your body to store fat and more difficult for you to lose it.  There is no way around the fact that alcohol is going to derail your efforts if you don’t eliminate it.
Bonus Tip 2: Get yourself a good night’s sleep.  Dieting is a very stressful experience for your body.  You need to get  enough rest in order to allow your body to recuperate and repair itself.  A good night’s sleep will do wonders for you.
Really, these are no secrets and fat loss is a long process, you can’t expect to get fit and sexy overnight. Make a goal, plan your diet and stick to it. Be focused and never give up. Slowly but steadily you’ll achieve what you set out to.
All the best

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