
Friday, June 10, 2011

Top 5 ways to Gain Weight

 Top 5 ways to Gain Weight

Almost all body builders or those looking to gain weight, have one common goal when they head to the nearest gym. And that is to have bigger muscle mass. Gaining muscle and weight can be easy during the first few months of training. However, there would come a time when you suddenly stop gaining any weight, no matter how hard you lift or eat.
The problem is, the heavier you are, the more you should be eating. If you used to consume 2000 calories a day when you were 125lbs, consuming the same number of calories when you touch 150 pounds, isn’t going to help you gain weight any further. So what’s important is to slowly but steadily increase the number of calories you consume, as you gain weight. 
Here are 5 ways to gain weight..
  • Drink protein shakes and milk – milk is rich in protein and you can gain more weight without having a hard time taking down all the calories. Ideally, you should have a glass of milk (preferably skimmed milk) after every meal even if it is just a snack. Also, protein shakes are good especially after work outs. It would decrease the recovery time of your muscles and also help you gain lean mass.
  • Eat the right kinds of foods –  Eat food that is high on protein content. You should have snacks and munch on cottage cheese, tuna, and chicken breasts to ensure rapid gain weight. Also make fruits and vegetables a part of your daily diet.
  • Take weight gain supplements or prepare them at home – Again, weight gain is much easier when you consume the right kind and amount of food. And skipping meals due to your busy daily schedule, ain’t gonna help. That’s when ready-made weight gainers or meal replacement supplements come in handy. CytoSport Cyto Gainer, Optimum Pro Complex Gainer, Ultimate Nutrition Muscle Juice 2600 are some of the more popular gainers available in the market.
  • Lift weights and keep the session intense – if you really want to gain weight then you should lift more and do a lot of routines that would strengthen your muscles. Keep your workout sessions short (1 hour or so) and keep it intense. Thrice a week on alternate days – Monday, Wednesday and Friday – is great. Without weight training, you will only build fats and not muscles.
  • Rest – take time to give your muscles adequate amount of  rest so you can be prepared for the next weight training session. Also remember that 8 hours of sleep is very very important.
Gaining weight is not as easy as you think especially if you are also targeting on gaining muscles. By following these tips, you will have more numbers on that scale without getting unwanted fats especially around the belly.
Tip: Don’t work out every part of your body during each training sessions. Ideally, work out on Chest and Biceps on Monday, followed by lower body on Wednesday, Shoulder and your back on Friday. You can work out on your abs every alternate days. Also remember to warm up  with cardio or ground exercises for atleast 10 minutes before every workout session.

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